Nan Shepherd: From Flaneur to Fiver, Scottish Poetry Library, Review

Edinburgh Festival review
Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Erlend Clouston
Erlend Clouston (Writer); Nan Shepherd (Writer); Karine Polwort (Music)
Erlend Clouston (Speaker); Gerda Stevenson (Voiceover)
Running time

A somewhat esoteric and quirky look at Nan Shepherd, this show focuses on the influences around Shepherd, inspiring her work and thought processes. Featuring a range of pop-up characters, this is an unusual introduction to Shepherd, interspersed with snippets from her writing.

Playing to a packed and enthusiastic house, Erlend Clouston takes us on a journey through Shepherd’s life. Following a non-linear path, we are led through the history of the time period prior to, during and after her life. It is not always clear what is going to happen next and some of the connections seem tangential at best. However, there is a warm regard in the audience for the unfolding text and a willingness to take on board the connections that are set forth.

Clouston could have benefitted from the use of a microphone as his voice was lost at times due to the variety of sound, voice and other effects that punctuated the piece. While sharper direction may have helped focus some of the elements that drifted, it is possible that may have diminished the spark of this unconventional show.

Times: 21-22 August, 7:30pm