World Oceans Day

Submitted by edg on Wed, 22 Apr '09 12.08am

As of 2009, the U.N. has declared 8 June as officially World Oceans Day across the globe each year. This year's theme is "one ocean, one climate, one future."

The condition of the world's oceans has been allowed to deteriorate significantly more rapidly than the rest of the environment perhaps because so much ocean life is out of sight. It's not just marine pollution, which appears to be getting worse in recent years as the Marine Conservation Society's study of Scotland's beaches highlighted.

Overfishing is causing fishery collapses around the world. Once plentiful species such as the huge blue-fin tuna are on the brink of extinction due to weak legislation to protect them. Atlantic cod has yet to bounce back.

Farmed fish are spreading disease and have a large carbon footprint: fishmeal fed to farmed salmon is often sourced from countries on the other side of the planet.

There is some good news though: ocean ecosystems have proved to be more resilient than land ecosystems. If we act resolutely to protect our oceans and the fish within them, fisheries have more chance of coming back strongly and endangered species have time to be renewed.

Eat better fish

Piscovores should consult the Marine Conservation Society to find what fish are good fish, and what fish are bad fish in that they are vulnerable to overfishing.

Eating out? Ask at the restaurant whether the fish is environmentally sound. The food industry have guidelines such as Good Catch and should be able to tell you.