Tales of the Apocalypse Review

Rating (out of 5)
Show info
Running time

Tales of the Apocalypse, performed by Airealism, is almost certainly a unique act on this year's Fringe. The performance takes place in the big theatre at the Gilded Balloon. It has to be large to accommodate all the equipment and the large cast.

The show consists of a series of acts performed on high wire swings, ropes and other equipment hanging from the ceiling some 30-40 feet above your head.

It's a show using circus trained performers, but it goes further and attempts to achieve something more than the general "ooh!" "ahh!" of the circus show. It can be seen as dance, comedy and in places a macabre mime. It's an entertaining 60 minutes, covering the whole gamut of emotions and some of the tableaus and scenes they create are remarkable.

This show is really what the Fringe is all about and judging by the way they're appearing on different shows, publicity events and being recommended as a "must see" act it's not hard to see why.

Quirky, engaging and a great night out - what more can you say?