Sauniere Society Writers Conference at Newbattle Abbey

Time & place
Tickets and info
Telephone (info)
01303 894 999
Telephone (box office)
01303 894 999

Sauniere Society Writers Conference is being held at one of Scotland's great hidden jewels (near Edinburgh, Rosslyn and Temple) over the week-end of Friday 18th March to Monday 21st March 2011.

Day visitors may come for either Saturday 19th March, Sunday 20th March or both.- or any permutation of both that you choose for yourself including the Friday Dinner and Lecture. TREAT YOURSELF to one of life's great experiences.

If you have never visited Newbattle Abbey, NOW is the time. Held in one of Great Britain's most beautiful Drawing Rooms, in a building with 11th Century Cistercian Crypt and Chapel, beautiful 17th Century carved woodwork, set in over 100 acres of gardens with as boundary, the Esk River, referred to in Scott's Tvanhoe'. Come along while it is still possible.
