Letwise Week for Landlords and Tenants

Submitted by edg on Mon, 19 Nov '07 8.09am

The City of Edinburgh Council kicks off its third annual "responsible renting week", Letwise, today.

Tenants, who comprise some 17% of Edinburgh's households, can get advice in a special information afternoon at the Property Shop, 1 Cockburn Street on Monday 19 November (2pm-6pm). Experts will be on hand to help people find a property, secure a deposit, and understand their rights when renting.

For Edinburgh landlords there is an exhibition at the Assembly Rooms on George Street on Thursday 22 November (12 noon-7pm). On hand will be financial investment companies, landlord furniture suppliers, and landlord registration, among others.

Seminars will cover subjects such as the Repairing Standard, the Beginners guide to letting property, and Tenancy Challenge, an entertaining evening event exploring various aspects of tenancy law.

If you are visiting the city and looking for a place to stay try our accommodation section.