48-Hour Filmmaking Competition To Make Edinburgh Debut

Submitted by edg on Wed, 26 Mar '08 10.19pm

The adrenaline-driven 48-Hour Film Project, where teams of filmmakers write, direct, and edit a short film from start to finish in the course of a sleepless weekend, is coming to Edinburgh for the first time.

The project, which was launched in Washington DC in 2001, last year saw 30,000 filmmakers compete in 55 cities around the world, with the winning 48 Hour Film screening this year at Cannes.

The Edinburgh event, which costs £45 to enter, takes place on the weekend of 16-18 May. A screening of the finished films, each up to 7 minutes long, will take place at the Cameo on 20 and 21 May.

Each team of filmmakers is given a character, a prop, a line of
dialogue and a genre, on Friday which they have to work creatively into their film over the next 48 hours. The 48HFP also has a rule for first-time cities about including a city landmark (such as a building or monument) or identifying characteristic (like a bus or city office).

Although teams must only use footage that they shoot during the two day event, filmmakers still have their pre-production work cut out in terms of putting together a team, the talent, scouting potential locations, and preparing releases.

Budding fast-filmmakers can find potential teams at a screening of the "Best of the 48 Hour Film Project" at the Brass Monkey on Drummond Street on 1 April, 6.30pm.