"Megacycle" call for entries to Lothians Cycle Event

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This is the year of "Homecoming Scotland 2009" and the Midlothian Tourism Forum have come up with an ambitious scheme to attract more visitors to the area.

The "MINERS MEGACYCLE", a charity event, open to all, is due to take place on Sunday 3rd May. Up to 600 entrants are likely to take up the challenge of this family cycle ride from Penicuik town centre to the Prestongrange Museum (adjacent to Musselburgh Racecourse), a distance of some 20 miles.

On mostly traffic free roads the route traces the former railtrack from Penicuik to Dalkeith, then meanders alongside the River Esk to its mouth at the Forth.

Organiser, Quintin Young, swears it is "almost all downhill" and easily achievable with the minimum of effort. Transport for bikes and riders is available from Musselburgh Racecourse carpark both before and after the event.

As well as increasing visitor numbers the event is designed to reap various other benefits;

~ Establishing Mid and East Lothian on the tourist map,

~ Raising awareness of the area's mining heritage.(The ride through the former Lothian
Coalfield passes the sites of  40, now vanished, coalmines).

~ Drawing attention to the fine network of footpaths throughout the region,

~ Promoting cycling as a healthy activity, and, last but not least,

~ Benefitting the 2 nominated charities "CHEST HEART &

Musical entertainment courtesy of Midlothian's "Ceilidh Trail" will be provided at the Penicuik start, the Prestongrange finish and, midway, at Dalkeith Palace grounds where many spectators and riders are expected to pic-nic and replenish their energies.  Organisers hope
this will become an annual event in the Lothians sporting calendar.

Registration is through the website


and potential entrants are asked to register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.