Scotland Can Tell Europe What it Wants 4-8th May


- European
Elections June 4 2009 -

Next week, 4-8th May, Edinburgh
will host a multimedia Choice Box giving local people the chance to voice their
personal priorities for Europe, to raise
awareness of the European elections on 4th June 2009.

Located in Festival
Square on Lothian Road, the Choice Box is a walk-in
multimedia booth where people are invited to describe the issues most important
to them as European citizens by recording a short video message.

A selection of messages will be shown on the outside
of the Choice Box, which is the size of a caravan, for all to see.  The
messages will also be aired on choice boxes in other European cities, on
outdoor screens in Brussels,
and on the European Parliament's YouTube channel.

The Choice Boxes form part of a campaign designed to
show European citizens all over the UK,
and across mainland Europe, some of the issues
the European Parliament has responsibility for, and which they can influence by
voting in next month's election.

What does the European
Parliament do?

The European Parliament passes most of the European
Union's laws.  From capping the cost of making a mobile phone call abroad
to setting up a system for recycling batteries, these laws affect our everyday

What issues are relevant to

The European Parliament has the power to change
things in areas directly relevant to people across Europe,
including: jobs, family life, healthcare, recycling and energy.

Why should we vote on 4th June?

Every vote counts, as it helps determine Europe's direction. There are real choices to be
made in the election, and the Choice Boxes and European Roadshow highlight some
of the topics voting in the election will influence.

People can find out more about
the European Parliament, the forthcoming elections, how to vote, and the issues
affecting them, when the European Parliamentary Roadshow comes to Edinburgh on Wednesday 13th May, or by visiting