Edinburgh Screening For Award-winning The Inheritance

Submitted by edg on Thu, 20 Dec '07 9.27pm

A micro-budget feature film which was shot in Edinburgh and the Highlands, with a Scottish cast and crew, is having its first Scottish screening at the Filmhouse next month.

The film recently picked up the Raindance Award (honouring exceptional achievement for filmmakers working against the odds) at the 2007 British Independent Film Awards. Writer-producer-actor Tim Barrow and director Charles-Henri Belleville, who were both born in Edinburgh, will be at the screening.

The film is a road trip about two estranged brothers who travel from
Edinburgh to the Isle of Skye to discover the inheritance their late
father left them. Hollywood actor Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, Band of
Brothers), who took the part for no pay, stars in the lead role.

It is described as "a dark, touching look at brotherhood, identity, and the stereotype of the Scotsman's inability to express his feelings."

Waverley Station, Calton Hill, and the Forth Road Bridge, are among the Edinburgh locations that appear in the film.

Shoestring budget

In a series of videos on guerrilla filmmaking on the film's web site, Edinburgh-born director Charles-Henri Belleville offers his insights into how they managed to shoot the film over 11 days on a miniscule budget of £5,000.

Lacking the money for dolly and crane shots, Belleville pushed his director of photography, Chris Beck, around in a wheelchair to create a sense of dynamism in the shots. He also commissioned a ladder for wide shots and shot through the sun-roof of a car.

You can watch the trailer at The Inheritance web site

The Inheritance is on screen one at the Edinburgh Filmhouse on Sunday 13 January 2008 at 4pm.