
Scandalous Scots is an enticing title for Tightlaced Theatre’s 2012/13 season.
It’s as ‘corny as Kansas in August’, but this production of 42nd Street is to quote a line from the show ‘…
The classic Ealing film, The Ladykillers, made in 1955 is still warm in the hearts of cinema goers.
Oedipus is alive and well and living in Morayshire.
The curtain rose on the first London performance of “The Mousetrap” by Agatha Christie on 25 November 1952…
It is easy to see why Robin Jenkins’ 1955 novel, The Cone Gatherers, has become a Scottish classic and…
Punk Rock ‘American Idiot’ is like Trainspotting USA - without the wit and local ‘charm’.
Little Voice is that rare kind of celebrity. So rare, in fact, that I’m not truly convinced that they…
Billy has