Edinburgh Book Festival

Copyright has always been a difficult area, but for some a highly profitable one – a lawyer friend of this…
The Edinburgh International Book Festival welcomed Jonathan 'Aggers' Agnew, the well-known presenter of Test…
Another hugely popular event arranged by the Edinburgh International Book Festival with almost every single…
Having Andrew Marr speak at the Edinburgh International Book Festival as his first public engagement since…
To live in central Edinburgh is to continually walk through history.
There was yet another full house for the appearance of Rowan Williams for The Ballie Gifford Event.
This was yet another sold out event and based on this event, every appearance of Alexander McCall Smith…
Jack Straw was the speaker at The Scott Moncrieff Event with Allan Little in the Chair.
Although the run-up to the 2014 Independence Referendum has barely begun, the length of the queue for this…
This was an absolutely packed house with not a seat empty; many probably knew Ruby Wax as a comedian, rather…
The Scottish independence issue and next year's referendum is creeping into many of the events at the…
This session entitled, "Searching for Mary Queen of Scots" drew a full house to the Scottish Power Studio.