Edinburgh Book Festival

Jeremy Paxman was introduced by his fellow BBC colleague, Allan Little, for this Open University Event which…
Acclaimed novelist Padgett Powell and leading biographer Fiona MacCarthy have won this year's James Tait…
Wilbur Smith was introduced by Jackie McGlone  as the author of some thirty four novels which had sold over…
James Naughtie introduced Alistair Darling for this Thomas Miller Investment Event which was held fittingly…
Stefan Collini is a very intelligent and articulate speaker, as one might reasonably expect of someone…
Sheena McDonald introduced this session about The Third Reich's Celluloid War by Ian Garden who confessed to…
Joe Simpson, the author of Touching the Void was introduced by Alan Morrison, the Group Arts Editor of The…
Anthony Beevor introduced Anna Reid, having given a somewhat lengthy introduction himself!
Cuba is the only communist country where I have not felt under constant watch by secret police or informers,…
This was the second debate in the Edinburgh International Book Festival’s trilogy of events under the title ‘…
Kirsty Wark, introducing Tom Kitchin, the "superstar chef", said we were in for a great culinary treat - and…
The winners of the fifth Edwin Morgan International Poetry Competition were announced at a ceremony at the…