Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

Once again, I must admit to being drawn to a band largely on the strength of their name. Carolina Liar -…
They don't do "Shot By Both Sides". There are looks of dismay on certain audience members faces as the…
Three of the "most innovative theatre makers" at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this year were announced as…
At any other time of the year it would have looked an odd sight - a snake of folk in Thistle Street carrying…
Although not listed in the Fringe programme, the Cowgate Cartoon music show makes perfect Fringe…
The nineteen strong choir of St Andrew’s and St George’s under its director, Brigitte Harris, included four…
Over the years Anglicans have become used to a weekly diet of Choral Eucharist which bit by bit has replaced…
It's not yet 3am on Christmas morning, 1977 - everyone is still sleeping.  We are about to share Charlie…
It is unfortunate that the life and work of political cartoonist, and man of many other talents, Harry Horse…
I walked into the darkened theatre.  The atmosphere hit me like a slug from a .45.  I dropped into my seat. …
The Winner of long-running Fringe comedy newcomer's award So You Think You're Funny? 2009 is 18 year old,…
Earlier this year, I had the pleasure of seeing a French production of Molière's play Le Malade Imaginaire by…