Edinburgh Fringe

The biggest arts festival in the world.

This comedy drama about a Fringe theatre company is actually based on real events which took place during the…
Chronicles of Long Kesh is one of the best shows on the Fringe this year.  A powerful two-hour drama, it is…
To watch Mario Pirovano introduce a very responsive audience to the journey into the world of the mediaeval…
It is usual in a review to give a synopsis of the performance and some detail of the show, but in order not…
You just can't go wrong with zombies, can you? They are both scary and funny in equal measure. Pure…
Soothed by the soporific tones of a home loving song about Kansas, the audience is shown pictures of two of…
The Queen's Hall may seem like an unlikely venue to get hot and sweaty in, but on a very dreich and damp…
I have just seen one of the funniest things on the Fringe - unfortunately, it wasn't this show.
Although listed under Dance in the Fringe programme, this is not a dance performance per se, but more of a…
Modern art isn't everybody's cup of tea, but is there a chance that it could change your life?
"Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start."  Altogether now, Doe, a deer, a female deer…
Walden is an account of an ‘experiment in simple living' that was carried out and documented by Henry David…